Elective Lunar Surgery


Why do some surgeries go so wrong when other more complicated surgeries go off without a hitch or a scar in sight?

For 100’s of years medical astrologers have calculated and watched the heavens for the best and worst potential line ups of both planets and luminaries when it comes to choosing a date for elective surgeries to occur.

This lecture covers the theory and step-by-step guidelines for working with a client’s chart to determine what are the best possible days for a successful and problem free surgery.

Elective Lunar Surgery

The Moons influence has always been considered of major importance in astrology. In medical astrology this is no less true as it influences our rhythms, emotional states, and digestion etc. The Moon also has great importance when looking at elective surgery dates.

This lecture will cover the theory and step-by-step guidelines for working with a client’s chart to determine what are the best possible days for a successful and problem free surgery.

I also share a checklist of the things you need to look at and why, so you get an insight into how to do a Lunar Surgery Reading well.

Kira Sutherland

“To be able to know what to look for, in what order and the importance of matters, is a given, after receiving all this information. Thank you!”


Lecture Summary


This lecture explores the practice of Elective Lunar Surgery, using astrological insights to select optimal dates for surgery to minimise risks and enhance recovery.

The Foundations of Elective Lunar Surgery

Learn the principles behind selecting optimal dates for elective surgeries using lunar and astrological influences, aiming to minimise complications and enhance recovery.

Astrological Anatomy and Medical Rulership

Explore how zodiac signs and planets govern different body parts and health conditions, providing insights into tailoring surgery timing to align with astrological energies.

Lunar Phases and Surgery Outcomes

Understand the impact of waxing and waning moon phases on swelling, bleeding, and tissue healing, offering guidelines for timing surgeries effectively.

The Role of Retrograde Planets

Discover why surgeries should be avoided during Mercury and Mars retrogrades to minimise communication errors, scarring, and potential repeat procedures.

Aspects and Transits

Learn how harmonious aspects to Venus or Jupiter can improve surgery outcomes, while challenging aspects to Mars, Saturn, or the Sun may increase recovery time or complications.

Eclipses and Surgery Timing

Uncover the heightened impacts that eclipses and other celestial events can have on optimal surgery scheduling.

Fixed, Cardinal, and Mutable Moons

Delve into why fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are preferred for surgery timing, with cardinal signs being acceptable and mutable signs best avoided.

Astrological Compatibility with surgeons

Gain insight into the importance of surgeon-patient synastry, ensuring the surgeon's astrological influences align positively with the patient's chart.

Practical Guidelines for Surgery Preparation

Access a step-by-step process for analysing surgery dates, including the importance of the 6th and 12th houses, planetary placements, and moon phases.

Learn more about Medical Astrology