Nurturing your Natal - Elemental Healing; Article feature on

From the beginnings of time we have watched the earth and her elements in full power, trying to understand the world we live in and how it works. The 4 elements make up all that is around us, we are used to experiencing them as the seasons change. But what of the elements within us? Many ancient cultures came to similar ideas of how the elements work within our bodies, flowing in health or being blocked in times of disease/imbalance.
When an element is strong in our chart it can bring great benefits to our health, empowering and balancing our daily lives. It is possible for an element to be overstimulated or to fall into a state better known in medical astrology as ‘in excess’. Elements can also be ignored or underused in our chart and fall into a state known as ‘lacking’ or ‘depleted’.
This article looks at each of the elements and the role they play in healing.